How To Start Streetwear Brand In 11 Easy Steps

How to start streetwear brand? Streetwear has risen from an underground subculture to a significant player in the global fashion industry. Starting a streetwear brand can feel daunting, but with the right guidance, a journey can lead to running a successful business that resonates with a passionate, dedicated audience. 

This blog post breaks down the process into 11 easy steps. Whether you’re a creative with a vision to express or an entrepreneur looking for a niche market, this guide will help you navigate the exciting world of streetwear. 

how to start streetwear brand

What Is Considered Streetwear Clothing?

Streetwear clothing is a fashion style that draws inspiration from various subcultures, including hip-hop, skateboarding, punk, and sportswear like golf apparel and so on. It is characterized by its comfortable yet trendy clothing, which includes graphic tees, hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers. It emphasizes the personal expression of the wearer, allowing them to make a statement through their clothing choices.

One of the most recognizable aspects of streetwear clothing is its focus on oversized and baggy clothing. The bagginess of hip-hop culture and skater style influences this style. It promotes comfort while also making a fashion statement. The use of bold and eye-catching graphics and logos is also a key feature of streetwear clothing, allowing wearers to show their support for their favorite brands, artists, or movements.

In recent years, high-end fashion brands have taken an interest in streetwear culture, creating designer streetwear that has been dubbed “luxury streetwear.” These high-end brands have collaborated with more established streetwear designers, creating a hybrid of streetwear and high fashion.

How to Start Streetwear Brand in 11 Easy Steps

The streetwear industry has experienced tremendous growth over the years, and while starting your own brand may seem intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. With the proper guidance and dedication, anyone can embark on the journey of creating their very own streetwear brand. 

To assist you in this endeavor, I have curated a comprehensive 11-step guide that will seamlessly navigate you through the process of establishing your own unique streetwear brand.

#1. Define your brand

To start a streetwear brand, you must first define what your brand stands for. Your brand values need to be clear so that you can create a message through your designs and marketing. 

A brand profile consists of the brand name, logo, slogan/tagline, brand message, and target audience. Streetwear is all about being unique, authentic, and eye-catching designs. Defining your brand will lay the foundation of your business.

#2. Research the market

Your next step is to research the market and identify other streetwear brands out there. Analyze their brand positioning, designs, and target audience to understand the market. This research will help you determine what sets your brand apart from the others. By evaluating the competition, you will be able to identify opportunities within the market and, most importantly, identify your target audience.

In addition, you can research the history of streetwear to understand what it is all about and how it has evolved into the industry it is today. Understanding the market will give you an edge in defining your brand. 

#3. Create your brand logo

Your brand logo is the visual representation of your brand. It must reflect the brand values and message and be easily recognizable. Creating a logo is a vital step in starting your streetwear brand, as it helps to establish brand identity and differentiation in the market. When creating a logo, choose colors and designs that capture your brand’s essence and align with your vision and values.

Remember, your logo should be unique and attention-grabbing. Invest in a professional designer to ensure that you create the perfect logo for your streetwear brand.

#4. Develop your brand message

Once you have defined your brand values, you must develop a clear and concise message that resonates with your target audience. This message should be reflected in everything you create, from product descriptions to social media captions. 

Your brand message is what sets your streetwear brand apart from the competition and makes it unique. Also, make sure to keep your message consistent across all platforms. This will solidify your brand identity in the minds of potential customers and help you create a loyal fan base. 

#5. Establish your production process

The production process is a crucial aspect of starting a streetwear brand. Identify your production process and establish relationships with suppliers that can deliver the quality and quantity you need at a cost-effective price. 

You will have to decide whether to create your products in-house or outsource production. Make sure to do a cost-benefit analysis to determine which option will be more viable for your brand.

If you want to develop your designs, you must purchase fabrics and trim from reliable suppliers. Research the various fabric options available and select materials that are within your budget but good quality. Also, consider working with a production partner who can help you develop custom garments that align with your brand identity. 

#6. Develop your product line

Create a product line that reflects your brand message and meets your target audience’s needs and preferences. From t-shirts to accessories, creating a diverse range of products will increase your brand’s appeal. It would be best to choose products with high market demand to ensure your brand has a significant impact.

You should also consider investing in product design software to create innovative and unique products that will attract more customers. Additionally, use a range of marketing strategies such as influencer collaborations, campaigns, and press releases to promote your product line. 

#7. Launch your online store

Launching your online store is one of the most important aspects of starting your streetwear brand. A well-designed website that showcases your brand message and product line will attract customers and increase brand recognition. Ensure your website is easy to navigate and all information easily accessible.

To effectively manage your store, it is advisable to invest in e-commerce solutions. These solutions will facilitate easy and swift customer purchases, minimizing inconvenience. 

Moreover, it is recommended to establish payment gateways and a customer service platform to enhance the overall shopping experience and ensure customer satisfaction. 

#8. Invest in social media marketing

Social media is a powerful marketing strategy for streetwear brands. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are excellent ways to promote your brand and attract followers. Create a social media marketing plan that includes regular posts, sponsored ads, and influencer collaborations to expand your brand reach.

Also, consider hosting giveaways and competitions to engage your followers. This will help you build relationships with potential customers, thereby increasing your brand loyalty. Additionally, take advantage of Facebook Live and Instagram stories which are great for creating quick content that resonates with the audience. 

Finally, use analytics tools to track customer demographics and engagement rates; this can provide invaluable insight into the effectiveness of your social media strategy. 

Checkout the below video on how to use social media to grow a streetwear brand.

#9. Build relationships with influencers

Influencers can play a crucial role in the success of your streetwear brand. Identify influencers who resonate with your brand message and have a large following in your target audience. Collaborate with them to promote your brand and increase brand awareness.

You can offer influencers special discounts and free items in exchange for posts or pay them a fee. You can also reward loyal customers with a discount code after they share your product on social media. This will help turn your customers into influencers who will actively promote and expand your reach. 

In addition, consider working with micro-influencers who have more niche followings. This type of collaboration can be more effective as they are often more connected to their followers and can provide greater insights into the needs and wants of your target customers. 

#10. Attend trade shows and events

Trade shows and events are an excellent way to showcase your brand and attract potential customers. Make sure you research and identify the right events to attend and prepare adequately to stand out at the event. 

Make sure you create a stunning booth design that will draw people’s attention and highlight your brand message. Also, come prepared with plenty of marketing materials such as banners, flyers, brochures, and other promotional materials to give away. 

Have staff members on hand to answer questions about the brand and products. Giveaways are also an ideal way to attract more people to your booth and help you build customer relationships. 

Another way to make an impact at trade shows is to hold a special event or introduce a new product or collection. You can also host competitions, fashion shows, and other activities that will engage attendees and help promote your brand. Participating in events is a great way to get noticed by the media as well and can open up the possibility of free publicity for your business. 

Finally, take the time to collect contact information from potential customers who visit your booth. Follow up with them afterward and thank them for their interest in your brand. This will help you build relationships going forward. 

#11. Continuously Evolve

The last step in starting a streetwear brand is to evolve continuously. The fashion industry is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the competition requires constant updates to your product line and marketing strategy. Stay up to date and keep your brand message and products fresh and current.

Focus on customer feedback and use it to improve the way you do business. Keep up with trends, experiment with new materials, and think of ways to make your products stand out from the competition. Make sure to invest in quality materials and production techniques that will ensure your products look great for years to come. 

Finally, don’t forget to keep up with the latest technologies and marketing methods. Utilize social media, video content, influencers, SEO techniques, and more to keep people interested in your brand. By staying on top of your game, you’ll ensure that your streetwear brand remains successful for years to come. 

How to Do Streetwear Clothing Design?

Streetwear is a fashion style that has gained immense popularity in recent times. It is a casual, cool, and comfortable way of dressing inspired by popular culture, music, skateboarding, and hip-hop culture. 

To succeed in this field, have an understanding of streetwear clothing design. Here are some tips on how to design streetwear clothing that will help you create an authentic streetwear look.

#1. Research and Inspiration

The first step in streetwear clothing design is conducting thorough research. Study existing streetwear clothing lines to understand the various elements that make up the style. Analyze graphics, patterns, and color schemes used in streetwear clothing, and identify the specific target market. 

Identify what customers perceive as the top qualities of good streetwear brands. This can help you know what trends to stay on top of and how to differentiate your clothing line.

#2. Define Your Brand Identity

Once you have conducted proper research to understand the streetwear industry, it’s time to define your brand identity. Develop a brand identity that resonates with your target audience, values, and unique selling points. 

Consider what makes your brand stand out from the rest and what values and ethos you wish to embed in your streetwear clothing designs.

#3. Sketching and Designing

Next, it’s time to start sketching and designing your streetwear clothing line. Start by sketching rough designs on paper that reflect your brand’s values. Do not focus too much on perfection at this stage; the aim is to generate as many ideas as possible. 

When you have narrowed down the rough sketches to the best designs, work on creating more detailed sketches. Use various materials and design techniques, such as cut and sew and distressed fabrics, to create unique and eye-catching designs.

#4. Materials and Color

The materials and color scheme you choose for your streetwear clothing line is vital. The streetwear style is known for its use of bold and iconic graphic designs with bright colors. Therefore, find a consistent palette that reflects your brand identity. Your designs should have a unique and cohesive visual appearance. 

Additionally, ensure you use high-quality fabrics with durable construction to ensure your pieces’ comfort, versatility, and longevity.

#5. Branding and Marketing

Once you have created your designs, it’s time to think about branding and marketing. Establishing your brand and promoting it with a strong visual identity that stands out from the crowd is crucial. 

Consistency is the key to an effective brand identity in streetwear fashion. From packaging and labeling to social media and advertising, make sure to emphasize your brand identity in all aspects of your marketing strategy.

FAQs on How to Start Streetwear Brand

What are the basics of streetwear design?

Streetwear is a fashion movement that has evolved significantly over time. Initially characterized by oversized clothing, this genre has now become synonymous with the use of unique and comfortable clothing items such as graphic tees, hoodies, and sneakers that reflect the latest trends in fashion. In terms of design, streetwear clothing is all about balancing functionality and style and giving clothes a cool and edgy feel.

To create great streetwear designs, several key elements must be considered. First and foremost, designers must focus on creating comfortable and trendy apparel. Comfort is crucial because streetwear clothing is typically intended for everyday wear and active lifestyles. 

For instance, hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers are staples in a streetwear wardrobe because they are comfortable and versatile. It is equally essential that the clothing be made using high-quality materials that are durable and can withstand everyday wear and tear.

The design of streetwear clothing must also reflect the latest trends. Graphic tees with bold prints and imaginative graphics, and unique and eye-catching accessories like caps and beanies are popular. 

Color is another critical component of streetwear design, with some colors being more popular than others, depending on the current trend. For instance, earthy tones such as olive and tan are a hit for winter wear, while vibrant colors such as yellow, pink, and red are more appropriate for summer.

Streetwear is a reflection of the hip-hop, skater, and punk rock cultures. As such, the design of these clothes embodies individuality and rebellion. It’s all about being bold, distinctive, and daring with one’s fashion choices. 

For instance, oversized tees with unconventional prints and striking color combinations are hallmarks of streetwear style. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to streetwear, but the underlying goal is to create clothes that make a statement.

What makes a streetwear brand successful?

Various factors contribute to the success of a streetwear brand. However, the one that stands out the most is versatility. As stated in the background context, versatility is crucial in the creation of streetwear apparel. Here, I will delve deeper into why versatility is essential for a streetwear brand’s success.

Firstly, versatility allows a brand to cater to a larger audience. When a piece of clothing is versatile, it means that different types of people can wear it with varying styles. For example, a simple black hoodie can be dressed up with accessories and paired with formal attire for an edgy yet sophisticated look. 

Alternatively, it can be dressed down with ripped jeans and sneakers for a casual outfit. By creating versatile pieces, streetwear brands can appeal to a wider range of customers, from fashion-conscious trendsetters to those who prefer a more understated style.

Secondly, versatility allows customers to experiment with their style and express their individuality. When a customer purchases a piece of clothing that can be paired with several other items in their wardrobe, it gives them the freedom to express themselves in a unique way. Versatile clothing allows customers to mix and match various pieces to create outfits that suit both their personality and lifestyle.

Finally, versatility makes it easier for streetwear brands to remain relevant in a constantly evolving fashion industry. Trends come and go, but versatile pieces are timeless. A classic denim jacket will always be in style, and by creating pieces that can be worn in different ways, streetwear brands can stay ahead of the curve. 

By creating versatile collections that cater to different seasons, events, and occasions, streetwear brands can adapt to changing trends while still maintaining their signature aesthetic.

What are the luxury streetwear brands?

Luxury streetwear brands refer to designer labels that produce high-end fashionable clothing with a focus on comfort and practicality. These brands have become increasingly popular among fashion-conscious consumers as they offer the perfect blend of luxury and casual wear. Five of the most notable luxury streetwear brands are Supreme, Prada, Gucci, Adidas, Dior, and Fendi.

Supreme is a streetwear brand that has been praised for its limited-edition clothing and accessories. The brand is known for collaborating with popular brands like Nike and North Face to produce exclusive collections. Since its launch in 1994, Supreme has become one of the most recognizable brands in the streetwear industry.

Prada is an Italian fashion house that produces luxury fashion goods, including streetwear clothing. The brand has established itself as a staple in the fashion world due to its innovative designs, unique fabrics, and timeless styles. It has collaborated with several other fashion brands to produce creative designs.

On the other hand, Gucci is a luxury fashion brand known for its iconic styles and high-quality products. Gucci has been successful in incorporating streetwear elements into its collections, such as the popular GG logo and track jackets. The style represents the perfect blend of streetwear and luxury.

Adidas is a sportswear brand that has designed several streetwear clothing collections, including the famous Adidas Originals brand. The brand has successfully created sleek, comfortable, yet practical designs.

Another luxury streetwear brand is Dior. The brand is known for its haute couture and luxury fashion collections. Dior’s designs range from high-end evening gowns to casual streetwear clothing. It also offers accessories, fragrances, and make-up products.

Fendi is a luxury Italian fashion brand that is known for its unique and stylish streetwear collections. Fendi has collaborated with popular artists such as Nicki Minaj and Ed Sheeran to produce exclusive collections. The brand’s streetwear style is not only fashionable but also comfortable and practical.


Starting a streetwear brand is no easy task, and it requires dedication, creativity, and hard work. However, with the right strategy and a bit of luck, you can make your mark on the fashion world. 

Remember to stay focused on quality materials and production techniques, keep up with trends, invest in marketing efforts such as events and social media campaigns, and continuously evolve your product line and marketing strategy. Doing these things will help you create a successful streetwear brand that will stand the test of time.

Tamim Shikder
Tamim Shikder

Head of the editorial team of I have been working as a merchandiser in the apparel-sourcing industry for the last seven years. Over the years, I have gained a strong understanding of the clothing business and have developed skills in product development, quality control, pricing negotiation and customer service. I am also well versed in the latest trends of fashion and retail industry. For any clothing manufacturing needs, please email me at

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