How To Find A Supplier For Clothing Business In 2023: Best Online & Offline Methods

How to find a supplier for clothing business in 2023? Well, there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to finding the right supplier for your business. The fashion industry is ever-evolving, so you need to stay on top of trends and strategies to succeed.

In this blog post, I’ll go over the online and offline methods you can use to find the perfect supplier for your clothing business in 2023.

How to find a supplier for clothing business

How to Find a Supplier for Clothing Business in 2023: Best Online & Offline Methods

How to find supplier for clothing brand? As the clothing business landscape continues to evolve over time, finding the right supplier has become an essential part of ensuring the success of your business. While numerous suppliers are out there, choosing the right one can be daunting, especially if you lack experience or knowledge in the industry. Both offline and online methods can help to simplify the process.

Online Methods:

In today’s digital era, the internet has become an indispensable tool for businesses to find suitable suppliers online. Below is a list of some online methods that can help to narrow down your search for the right clothing supplier:

#1. B2B Marketplaces

Online B2B marketplaces such as Alibaba, Global Sources, and TradeKey are a great place to start your search for the right supplier. These platforms offer various verified suppliers that can be searched according to product category, reviews, and location.

#2. Social Media

Another great way to find a clothing supplier is by reaching out to them via social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. For instance, you can post about your needs and requirements on the relevant social media group pages to get responses from potential suppliers.

Using relevant hashtags, you can find and connect with potential suppliers and join industry-specific groups.

#3. Google Search

A simple Google search can also help you discover a variety of suppliers that operate in your area. For example, by searching “clothing supplier near me” or “clothing wholesaler in X city”, you can find a list of potential suppliers that may meet your needs.

While this is not the most effective method, it can be a great starting point as you can easily gather details about the supplier and their products.

Offline Methods:

Offline methods for finding a clothing supplier have been around for a while and are still very useful today. Here are a few examples:

#1. Trade Shows

One of the best ways to meet and network with clothing suppliers is by attending trade shows. These events offer the opportunity to interact with suppliers, see their products, negotiate pricing, and build relationships. 

You can also use trade shows to find potential suppliers, compare products and services, and gather information about trends in the industry.

#2. Local Businesses

Contacting local companies is another great way to find a clothing supplier. Start by looking for businesses related to fashion or apparel that are based in your area. This could include retailers, designers, and manufacturers. 

You can also contact your local chamber of commerce to get referrals from other businesses in the area.

#3. Professional Networks

In addition to searching online and attending trade shows, you can find clothing suppliers by networking with professionals in the industry. Reach out to colleagues, friends, and family who may have contacts that could help you find a reliable supplier. 

You can also join industry organizations and attend events to build relationships and find potential suppliers. Such professional networks also help to find buyers for your products.

#4. Referrals

The best supplier can sometimes be found through referrals from people with experience working with them. Ask around with other business owners in the industry and your personal network of contacts.

#5. Directly Contacting the Manufacturer

If you have a particular brand or product in mind, it may be worth contacting the manufacturer directly. For instance, if you are looking for a specific type of denim fabric, search online for the manufacturer and contact them directly to ask about supplier options. By contacting them, you will have a better understanding of their products and can establish a relationship with them.

FAQs on How to Find Clothing Suppliers

How to start a clothing supply business?

Starting a clothing supply business can be an exciting and profitable venture if done correctly. It involves proper planning, research, and implementation of effective business strategies. Here are the steps to help you start a successful clothing supply business:

#1. Find your niche:

The first step in starting a clothing supply business is to determine your niche. Decide on what type of clothing you want to supply and who your target customers are. This could be anything from formal wear, casual wear, sportswear, and so on. By focusing on a specific niche, you can stand out in a crowded market and attract more customers.

#2. Know your audience:

Once you have identified your niche, the next step is to study your audience. Conduct market research to determine your target customers’ demographics, behaviours, and buying habits. This will help you identify and understand your customers’ needs, which is crucial in providing them with high-quality and relevant products.

#3. Create a marketing plan:

A marketing plan is essential in creating brand awareness and attracting customers. Your plan should include various marketing strategies, such as social media, email, influencer, and content marketing. Ensure that your marketing plan aligns with your target audience and niche to maximize your investment.

#4. Name your brand and create brand assets:

Your brand name and assets should be catchy, memorable, and unique. This could be your logo, website, packaging, business cards, and so on. They should reflect your brand’s personality and communicate your brand’s message to your target audience.

#5. Register your business:

Registering your business is crucial in protecting your brand name and ensuring legal compliance. Register your business with the appropriate authorities and obtain any necessary licenses and permits.

#6. Design and source your products:

Designing and sourcing your products is crucial in delivering high-quality products that meet your customers’ needs. Select manufacturers that offer a range of high-quality fabrics, patterns, and styles explicitly tailored to your niche.

#7. Price your products:

Setting the right prices is essential in attracting and retaining customers while still generating profits. Conduct market research to determine the average prices of similar products in the industry and adjust your prices accordingly.

#8. Distribute your products:

Finally, it is time to distribute your products. Decide on the most efficient and cost-effective distribution channels, such as online marketplaces, physical stores, and wholesale supplies. Ensure that your distribution channels align with your target audience and business goals.

Who is the biggest supplier of clothes?

As mentioned in the background context, China is undoubtedly the world’s biggest clothing exporter. The country’s dominance in the global apparel industry can be attributed to a variety of factors, including cheap labour costs, efficient supply chain management, and government support.

China’s clothing exports have grown exponentially in recent decades, with the country’s manufacturers leveraging economies of scale to produce large quantities of affordable clothing. Chinese clothing manufacturers are also adept at quickly responding to changing fashion trends, which has helped them build strong relationships with retailers and brands all over the world.

Apart from domestic advantages, China also has a significant advantage in terms of the cost of goods and shipping. The country is home to numerous textile manufacturing companies that produce high-quality materials which can be used to make a wide range of clothing styles.

Businesses can purchase these materials at a lower cost in China, which results in lower production expenses and higher profit margins. Additionally, China’s extensive transportation infrastructure – including seaports and airports – makes it easy for companies to move their products quickly and efficiently.

Given all these factors, it is clear that China is the world’s biggest clothes supplier. Its dominance will likely continue soon as the country continues to invest in infrastructure and technology that support the clothing industry.

However, some factors could undermine this dominance – including rising labour costs, trade tensions with other countries, and shifts in consumer preferences that favour different types of fashion accessories. Regardless, China’s position as the world’s leading apparel exporter is cemented for now, making it a crucial player in the global fashion industry.

How do I find a shirt vendor?

Finding a reliable and efficient shirt vendor is essential, especially if you’re running a clothing retail store. The right vendor can supply you with high-quality shirts that meet your customers’ demands, while a bad one can lead to unhappy customers and negative reviews. So, how do you find a shirt vendor? 

#1. Research Online:

The internet is your best bet when searching for a shirt vendor. You can search for suppliers on Google, websites like Alibaba, or online fashion marketplaces like Etsy. Take the time to research each vendor and read reviews from other retailers. This will give you a better idea of their quality of clothing, shipping times, and customer service.

#2. Attend Trade Shows:

Attending a trade show can be a great way to connect with shirt vendors. You can meet vendors in person, see samples of their clothing, and discuss pricing and ordering options. Trade shows can be found throughout the year and in various locations.

#3. Network with Other Retailers:

Reach out to other retailers who sell shirts and ask for recommendations on vendors they have had success with. They can provide insight into their experience with different vendors and tell you about potential problems.

#4. Check Local Wholesale Markets:

You can check your local wholesale markets if you are looking for vendors who can provide a lower minimum order requirement. These markets usually have suppliers selling products at discounted bulk prices. You can visit the markets to see and touch the merchandise and ask the vendors about their prices and delivery times.

#5. Order Samples:

Before you commit to a large order, order samples from a vendor, this will allow you to test the quality of the clothing, the sizing, and the colours. It will also allow you to deal with the vendor’s customer service and shipping times.

How to find clothing manufacturers for small businesses?

Finding clothing manufacturers for small businesses is crucial for entrepreneurs who are starting in the fashion industry. With the rise of e-commerce and social media, the demand for unique and stylish clothing has never been higher. 

However, finding reliable and cost-effective apparel manufacturers can be daunting, especially for those who are just beginning their journey. Here I will discuss various ways to find clothing manufacturers for small businesses.

#1. Attend industry meetups

One of the best ways to find clothing manufacturers is by attending industry meetups. These events bring together fashion designers, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers, providing the perfect opportunity to network and build relationships. Industry meetups can be found through social media, event platforms, and fashion websites.

Attending these events will help you find clothing manufacturers and give you insights into the latest trends, technology, and best practices in the fashion industry.

#2. Search online directories

Online directories, such as Alibaba, ThomasNet, and Makers Row, are excellent resources for finding clothing manufacturers. These directories allow you to search for manufacturers based on location, product type, and production capabilities. They provide a comprehensive list of manufacturers and their contact details, allowing you to contact them directly.

Moreover, some online directories also offer reviews and ratings, which can help you choose a reliable and trustworthy manufacturer.

#3. Use Google to find apparel manufacturers

Google is a powerful search engine that can be leveraged to find clothing manufacturers. You can find a list of manufacturers near you by simply typing in “clothing manufacturers” along with your location.

You can also refine your search by specifying the type of clothing you want to manufacture. For example, if you want to produce athletic wear, you can type in “athletic wear manufacturers” in your search query.

#4. Join fashion Facebook groups

Facebook groups are a great way to connect with other fashion entrepreneurs and find clothing manufacturers. Joining fashion groups allows you to post your queries and get recommendations from other members.

Moreover, many manufacturers also use these groups to advertise their services, making finding them easier.

#5. Network and ask people for recommendations

Networking is one of the most powerful tools for finding clothing manufacturers. You can build relationships with others in the fashion industry by attending events, joining groups, and connecting with people on social media. These relationships can be leveraged to ask for recommendations on clothing manufacturers.

People who have already worked with manufacturers can provide valuable insights into their experiences, helping you to make an informed decision.

For more details check out the below video content on how to find a manufacturer for your clothing line.


Now you know how to find supplier for clothing brand. Although finding a clothing supplier can be challenging, with the right approach and resources, you can locate reliable suppliers that will meet your needs. Consider searching online, attending trade shows, networking with professionals in the industry, asking for referrals from other business owners, or directly contacting the manufacturer. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to find quality clothing suppliers in no time and grow your clothing business.

Tamim Shikder
Tamim Shikder

Head of the editorial team of I have been working as a merchandiser in the apparel-sourcing industry for the last seven years. Over the years, I have gained a strong understanding of the clothing business and have developed skills in product development, quality control, pricing negotiation and customer service. I am also well versed in the latest trends of fashion and retail industry. For any clothing manufacturing needs, please email me at

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