How To Get Your Clothing Line In Department Stores in 7 Easy Ways

Are you an aspiring fashion designer looking to break into the world of retail? Have you always dreamed of seeing your designs in department stores nationwide? If so, then this blog post is for you! Here are seven easy steps on how to get your clothing line in department stores.

From developing a strong brand identity to finding industry contacts, these tips can help you take your business to the next level and achieve success in the competitive fashion industry. So read on and learn how to make your dream of having a clothing line come true.

how to get your clothing line in department stores

How to Get Your Clothing Line in Department Stores in 7 Easy Ways

Getting your clothing line into department stores can be a challenge, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Not only does it give your brand more visibility, but it can also increase your sales and help you establish yourself as a professional designer. So, if you’re ready to take on this exciting business challenge, here are seven easy steps to achieving your goal:

#1. Develop a Strong Brand Identity:

Before you take on department stores, have a strong brand identity. This means creating a logo, brand name, and packaging that stands out, resonates with your target audience, and represents your brand’s values. Make sure to invest time and money into creating a professional website and social media presence to showcase your brand and product range.

Also, create a perfect marketing strategy to reach your target market and ensure that potential customers know who you are, what you offer, and why they should choose your clothes over the competition.

#2. Build a Customer Base:

To secure your spot in department stores, building a solid customer base is important. This can be achieved by offering promotions, holding events, creating engaging social media campaigns, and forming partnerships with influencers or fashion bloggers.

Moreover, focus on the quality of your product and customer service, as this will make customers more likely to purchase from you in the future.

This way, when you approach department stores, you will have a loyal customer base, which translates into higher sales and better chances of getting accepted.

#3. Research Potential Department Stores:

Once you have a strong brand identity and customer base, research potential department stores that might fit your brand well. Start by researching local department stores, regional chains, or national stores that align with your brand values and target audience. Review their online presence, product range, and fashion trends to determine if your brand fits their aesthetic and goals.

Also, don’t forget to reach out to potential partners. Contact their buyers and try to build relationships with them so they are more likely to consider your products when evaluating new brands.

#4. Contact Buyers for Appointments:

Once you identify potential department stores that fit your brand, contact buyers for appointments. Depending on the store, you may be required to submit a vendor application or samples of your products. Create a professional pitch deck or lookbook that showcases your brand, product range, and pricing details.

Before your appointment, prepare for possible questions or objections that buyers may have and be ready to present a strong sales pitch tailored to the store’s specific needs.

#5. Be Flexible and Prepared:

When meeting with buyers, be flexible and prepared to negotiate pricing, delivery, and marketing terms. Be willing to respond to feedback, make changes specific to each retailer, and adapt your approach as necessary to secure a buying agreement.

Also, establish a timeline for when you can deliver the products and ensure that you meet deadlines. This will help build trust with buyers and keep your brand in their minds as they are considering new lines.

Be proactive about developing relationships with buyers even after contracts have been signed. Stay in touch, showcase your products on social media, and follow up periodically to ensure the buyers are happy with their decision. By doing this, you can increase your chance of getting long-term business from department stores.

#6. Make Consistency a Priority:

Once you secure a buying agreement, ensure your product line is consistent in terms of style, quality, and delivery. Meet retailer deadlines, maintain product supply, and respond quickly to any customer complaints or feedback. This will help reinforce buyer confidence and help build relationships with the store.

By consistently delivering quality products on time, you can ensure that your brand is well-represented in the department store and increase the chances of being reordered.

#7. Maintain Communication and Follow-Up:

Even after securing a buying agreement, maintain communication and regularly follow up with your department store partners.

Share any product updates, special promotions, and future collections, stay up-to-date on inventory levels and shipping schedules, and always meet deadlines and deliver on your promises. This will help strengthen your relationship with the store and increase your chances of being reordered or considered for future seasons.

To know more about how to get your clothing line in department stores, check out the below video content.

3 More Queries on How to Get Your Clothing Line in Department Stores

How do retailers get clothes?

Retailers get clothing by sourcing products from various manufacturers, wholesalers, or distributors. The process of acquiring clothes involves several steps, including design, production, transportation, and distribution.

Initially, retailers design or select their clothing items based on emerging fashion trends or customer demand. After that, they proceed to establish relationships with suppliers who can provide them with a diverse range of clothing options. These suppliers can be local or international, ranging from small-scale manufacturers to large clothing factories.

Once retailers have established relationships with suppliers, they place orders for the clothing items they desire. Typically, the suppliers will provide samples of their products for retailers to assess the quality and design of the clothes they are purchasing. 

Additionally, some suppliers may offer customization options to retailers, such as the ability to include their own branding on clothing items.

After retailers have placed their orders, the clothes are produced, packaged, and shipped to the retailer’s location. The retailer will then receive the clothes and make them available for sale to their customers. 

In some cases, retailers may receive clothes through consignment arrangements, which allow them to sell the clothes without paying for them upfront. This approach is often used by smaller retailers who are looking to build their inventory without incurring significant costs.

How do I get customers for my clothing business?

Getting customers for a clothing business can be challenging, especially in today’s highly competitive market. However, with the right approach and marketing strategies, you can attract a large customer base and boost your sales. Here are some effective ways to get customers for your clothing business.

#1. Have a Brand Identity:

Your brand identity is critical to the success of your clothing business. It is what sets you apart from your competitors and helps you build trust with your customers. To develop a strong brand identity, establish your unique selling point (USP), create a catchy brand name, design a memorable logo, and develop your brand’s personality and tone.

#2. Utilize Social Media:

Social media is an excellent platform for promoting your clothing business and reaching out to potential customers. Create social media pages for your business and regularly post high-quality, relevant content. Use social media insights to target your audience and run sponsored ads to reach a wider audience.

#3. Use Influencer Marketing:

Influencer marketing is an effective way to reach out to your target audience and drive sales. Identify influencers who align with your brand identity and collaborate with them to promote your clothing line. Their followers are likely to trust their recommendations, increasing their chances of engaging with your brand.

#4. Attend Trade Shows and Pop-Ups:

Trade shows and pop-ups provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your clothing line and interact with potential customers. Display your best pieces and engage with visitors to build brand awareness and attract new customers.

#5. Offer Discounts and Promotions:

Discounts and promotions are an excellent way to attract customers and increase sales. Offer discounts on certain items or during specific periods and run promotions such as buy-one-get-one-free or bundle deals to encourage customers to purchase from your clothing line.

#6. Optimize Your Website:

Your website is your virtual storefront and should be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This optimization will drive traffic to your site, resulting in more customers engaging with your brand. Ensure your website is user-friendly, loads quickly, displays your products attractively, and is optimized for mobile devices.

How to get a clothing distribution deal?

Securing a clothing distribution deal requires hard work, patience, and a solid business strategy. Clothing distribution deals are essentially agreements between a manufacturer or designer and a distributor or retailer to distribute clothing products to the wider market. 

The main objective of such deals is to increase the visibility of the clothing brand and generate more substantial revenue through the sale of the products. To get a clothing distribution deal, here are five potential steps to follow:

#1. Research Potential Distribution Partners:

Start by researching potential clothing distribution partners. Look for companies that have a successful track record, strong market presence, and a common target audience. You can also look for strategic partnerships, like fashion bloggers or influencers, who can promote your clothing brand to their audience.

#2. Prepare a Sales Pitch:

Prepare a sales pitch with necessary documents such as product catalogues, brand presentations, pricing strategies, and sales figures to prove the viability of your clothing brand. A good sales pitch is compelling and presents the brand story as well as its unique value proposition.

#3. Approach Potential Distributors:

Once you have researched potential distribution partners and prepared a sales pitch, you can approach potential distributors. Ask for a meeting or presentation where you can pitch your brand to the distributor and demonstrate your product offerings. Be patient and persistent, as it may take a while to get a response from distributors, and they may even reject your offer in some instances.

#4. Negotiate and Finalize the Deal:

After securing the partnership, it’s time to negotiate and finalize it. This includes determining the distribution structure, payment terms, minimum order quantities, and other key details impacting the agreement’s success. Seek legal counsel to ensure the terms and conditions protect the interests of both parties.

#5. Build and Maintain Strong Relationships:

Building and maintaining strong relationships is essential in the highly competitive fashion industry. Work closely with your distributor to ensure they understand your brand, your target market, and your goals. Maintain open communication channels, and provide your distribution partner with periodic feedback on how they are performing for your brand.


Selling clothes to department stores can be a great way for brands to increase their visibility and reach new customers. However, it can be difficult to get on the radar of these retailers, so you must have a strategy in place to make your products stand out. Following these tips and building relationships with buyers will increase your chances of success in the department store market.

Tamim Shikder
Tamim Shikder

Head of the editorial team of I have been working as a merchandiser in the apparel-sourcing industry for the last seven years. Over the years, I have gained a strong understanding of the clothing business and have developed skills in product development, quality control, pricing negotiation and customer service. I am also well versed in the latest trends of fashion and retail industry. For any clothing manufacturing needs, please email me at

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